Susanna & William

Friday, April 18, 2025 • Bishop, TX
36 Days To Go!

Susanna & William

Friday, April 18, 2025 • Bishop, TX
36 Days To Go!

Q + A

What date should I RSVP by?

By March 18th, if you are able to do it before please do so.

What are the addresses of the wedding ceremony and reception venues? Are they wheelchair accessible?

The ceremony and reception are in the same venue. Wheelchair accessible.

Will your wedding be indoors or outdoors?

Ceremony will be held outdoors. Reception will be mainly indoors with smores and coffee outdoors.

What is the dress code for your wedding?

Garden Cocktail.

Are there any colors or styles you'd prefer me to wear?

Pastel colors. Refrain from wearing black and white.

What time should I arrive at your wedding ceremony?

Please arrive by 5:30.

Am I allowed to take photos at your wedding?

Yes, however, please refrain from using your phones during the ceremony.

What is your wedding hashtag?
